Source code for goose3.configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a python port of "Goose" orignialy licensed to
under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership.

Python port was written by Xavier Grangier for Recrutae licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import os
import tempfile

from goose3.text import StopWords
from goose3.parsers import Parser, ParserSoup
from goose3.version import __version__

    'lxml': Parser,
    'soup': ParserSoup,

    {'attr': 'class', 'value': 'short-story'},
    {'attr': 'itemprop', 'value': 'articleBody'},
    {'attr': 'class', 'value': 'post-content'},
    {'attr': 'class', 'value': 'g-content'},
    {'tag': 'article'},

[docs]class Configuration(object): def __init__(self): # parser information self._available_parsers = list(AVAILABLE_PARSERS.keys()) self._parser_class = 'lxml' # URL extraction parameters self._browser_user_agent = 'Goose/%s' % __version__ self._http_timeout = 30.0 self._http_auth = None self._http_proxies = None self._http_headers = None # extraction information self._local_storage_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'goose') self._known_context_patterns = KNOWN_ARTICLE_CONTENT_PATTERNS self._target_language = 'en' self._use_meta_language = True # general configuration self._strict = True self._debug = False self._stopwords_class = StopWords # imagemagick executable paths self._imagemagick_convert_path = "/opt/local/bin/convert" # Not used self._imagemagick_identify_path = "/opt/local/bin/identify" # not used # image extraction self._enable_image_fetching = False self._images_min_bytes = 4500 # Do we need to allow setting one's own ImageExtractor class? @property def known_context_patterns(self): ''' list: The context patterns to search to find the likely article content Note: Each entry must be a dictionary with the following keys: `attr` and `value` \ or just `tag` ''' return self._known_context_patterns @known_context_patterns.setter def known_context_patterns(self, val): ''' val must be a dictionary or list of dictionaries e.g., {'attr': 'class', 'value': 'my-article-class'} or [{'attr': 'class', 'value': 'my-article-class'}, {'attr': 'id', 'value': 'my-article-id'}] ''' if isinstance(val, list): self._known_context_patterns = val + self.known_context_patterns else: self._known_context_patterns.insert(0, val) @property def strict(self): ''' bool: Enable `strict mode` and throw exceptions instead of swallowing them. Note: Defaults to `True` ''' return self._strict @strict.setter def strict(self, val): ''' set the strict property ''' self._strict = bool(val) @property def http_timeout(self): ''' float: The time delay to pass to `requests` to wait for the response in seconds Note: Defaults to 30.0 ''' return self._http_timeout @http_timeout.setter def http_timeout(self, val): ''' set the http_timeout property ''' self._http_timeout = float(val) @property def local_storage_path(self): ''' str: The local path to store temporary files Note: Defaults to the value of `os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'goose')` ''' return self._local_storage_path @local_storage_path.setter def local_storage_path(self, val): ''' set the local_storage_path property ''' self._local_storage_path = val @property def debug(self): ''' bool: Turn on or off debugging Note: Defaults to `False` Warning: Debugging is currently not implemented ''' return self._debug @debug.setter def debug(self, val): ''' set the debug property ''' self._debug = bool(val) @property def parser_class(self): ''' str: The key of the parser to use Note: Defaults to `lxml` ''' return self._parser_class @parser_class.setter def parser_class(self, val): ''' set the parser_class property ''' self._parser_class = val @property def available_parsers(self): ''' list(str): A list of all possible parser values for the parser_class Note: Not settable ''' return self._available_parsers @property def http_auth(self): ''' tuple: Authentication class and information to pass to the requests library See Also: `Requests Authentication <>`__ ''' return self._http_auth @http_auth.setter def http_auth(self, val): ''' set the http_auth property ''' self._http_auth = val @property def http_proxies(self): ''' dict: Proxy information to pass directly to the supporting `requests` object See Also: `Requests Proxy Support <>`__ ''' return self._http_proxies @http_proxies.setter def http_proxies(self, val): ''' set the http_proxies property ''' self._http_proxies = val @property def http_headers(self): ''' dict: Custom headers to pass directly to the supporting `requests` object See Also: `Requests Custom Headers <>`__ ''' return self._http_headers @http_headers.setter def http_headers(self, val): ''' set the http_headers property ''' self._http_headers = val @property def browser_user_agent(self): ''' Browser user agent string to use when making URL requests Note: Defaults to `Goose/{goose3.__version__}` Examples: Using the non-standard browser agent string is advised when pulling frequently >>> config.browser_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2)' >>> config.browser_user_agent = 'AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko)' >>> config.browser_user_agent = 'Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7' ''' return self._browser_user_agent @browser_user_agent.setter def browser_user_agent(self, val): ''' set the browser user agent string ''' self._browser_user_agent = val @property def imagemagick_identify_path(self): ''' str: Path to the identify program that is part of imagemagick Note: Defaults to `"/opt/local/bin/identify"` Warning: Currently not used / implemented ''' return self._imagemagick_identify_path @imagemagick_identify_path.setter def imagemagick_identify_path(self, val): ''' set the imagemagick identify program path ''' self._imagemagick_identify_path = val @property def imagemagick_convert_path(self): ''' str: Path to the convert program that is part of imagemagick Note: Defaults to `"/opt/local/bin/convert"` Warning: Currently not used / implemented ''' return self._imagemagick_convert_path @imagemagick_convert_path.setter def imagemagick_convert_path(self, val): ''' set the imagemagick convert program path ''' self._imagemagick_convert_path = val @property def stopwords_class(self): ''' StopWords: The StopWords class to use when analyzing article content Note: Defaults to the english stop words Note: Current stop words available in `goose3.text` include: \n `StopWords`, `StopWordsChinese`, `StopWordsArabic`, and `StopWordsKorean` ''' return self._stopwords_class @stopwords_class.setter def stopwords_class(self, val): ''' set the stopwords class to use ''' # TODO: add a check to see if a valid class is provided! self._stopwords_class = val @property def target_language(self): ''' str: The default target language if the language is not extractable or if use_meta_language is set to False Note: Default language is 'en' ''' return self._target_language @target_language.setter def target_language(self, val): ''' set the target language property ''' self._target_language = val @property def use_meta_language(self): ''' bool: Determine if language should be extracted from the meta tags or not. If this is set to `False` then the target_language will be used. Also, if extraction fails then the target_language will be utilized. Note: Defaults to `True` ''' return self._use_meta_language @use_meta_language.setter def use_meta_language(self, val): ''' set the use_meta_language property ''' self._use_meta_language = bool(val) @property def enable_image_fetching(self): ''' bool: Turn on or off image extraction Note: Defaults to `True` ''' return self._enable_image_fetching @enable_image_fetching.setter def enable_image_fetching(self, val): ''' set the enable_image_fetching property ''' self._enable_image_fetching = bool(val) @property def images_min_bytes(self): ''' int: Minimum number of bytes for an image to be evaluated to be the main image of the site Note: Defaults to 4500 bytes ''' return self._images_min_bytes @images_min_bytes.setter def images_min_bytes(self, val): ''' set the images_min_bytes property ''' self._images_min_bytes = int(val)
[docs] def get_parser(self): ''' Retrieve the current parser class to use for extraction Returns: Parser: The parser to use ''' return AVAILABLE_PARSERS[self.parser_class]